Welcome to Gridstack! Setting up your device is simple and seamless, so you can get to work quickly and with confidence. Just follow these quick steps to customize your storage and create a shared workspace for all your creative needs. Let’s get started!
What You’ll Need
01 Setup Your Base
1. Insert Drives and Modules
Add USB expansion cards into the slots at the back of the base.
Place SSDs or HDDs into trays, then insert trays into storage blocks.
Add NVME drives to the slots located behind the door on the base’s underside.
2. Connect and Power On
Connect your Gridstack base to power and your router using the Ethernet cable.
Set the number of slots to the total number of drives you’re using, plus two (for example: if you have 2 SSD and 1 HDD drives, set number of slots to 5)
Assign all drives to their respective slots.
3. Optional settings
For added redundancy, select one or two drives as parity (learn more here).
For additional performance, select Pool Devices (learn more here)
4. Start configuration
Once settings are complete, press Start to launch your device.
03 Create a Shared Folder
1. Set Up a Shared Folder in Unraid
In Unraid, click on the Shares tab.
Select Add Share and enter your desired name in the Share Name field.
Click Add Share again to confirm.
Under SMB Security Settings, find the Export field and select Yes.
Click Apply to save and enable access.
2. Access the Shared Folder on Your Computer
For Windows, you should now see your Gridstack in the Network section of File Explorer
If you don't see it, type \\gridstack into the location bar in your File Explorer
For Mac, open Finder, go to Network in the sidebar, and locate your Gridstack from there.
Create your own stack
Build the storage solution that works best for your workflow.